Recognition & Awards

2022 Power 100 Award
for our Executive Director and CEO, Ms. Nelly Jimenez
This list of 100 Latinas and Latinos represents diverse individuals making valuable contributions to the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania

Al Día Women of Merit Nomination (2021)
for our Executive Director and CEO, Ms. Nelly Jimenez
A celebration of U.S. Latinas and multicultural women in leadership in our region.

2021 Rise Implementation Evaluation Champions
Our Senior Director of Programs and Executive Director at ACLAMO were recognized as RISE Implementation Evaluation Champions

2020 IMPACT100 Philadelphia Grantee
ACLAMO was a grantee of the IMPACT100 Award for our work in Health and Wellness.

Frontline Leader Award Nomination through the Housing Alliance of PA
for our Director of Social Services – 2020

GSK Impact Award 2018
for our work to find impactful solutions around social determinants of health which include: Community safety, education, employment, family and social support, housing and built environment and nutrition and physical activity.
2018 Cultural and Bilingual Award
for leading culturally sensitive initiatives and programs to the community

2017 Statewide Champion for our After-School Program
through the Pennsylvania Statewide Afterschool /Youth Development Network

2021 Rise Implementation Evaluation Champions
Our Senior Director of Programs and Executive Director at ACLAMO were recognized as RISE Implementation Evaluation Champions. The RISE Partnership and badge is awarded to those who successfully graduate from the Implementation Cohort of the RISE Partnership program. RISE stands for Readiness, Implementation, and Sustainability for Effectiveness, and is a collaboration of nonprofit organizations, evaluators, funders, and other stakeholders working to ensure nonprofits have the knowledge, tools, and resources they need to deliver the greatest impact possible.