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ACLAMO celebrates the Grand Opening of our Lansdale location.
May 13, 2021 – ACLAMO team participates in town hall with TriCounty Health Council, Univision, MCIC, Berks County Community Foundation, and YWCA: Por Mi Gente, por Mi Familia y por Mi Comunidad: La Verdad Sobre la Vacuna COVID-19 (For my people, my family, and my communty: The truth surrounding the COVID-19 vaccine.
To support the transportation and equity goals established in the county’s comprehensive plan, Montco 2040: A Shared Vision, the county prepared and adopted the Montgomery County Trail Access, Diversity, & Awareness Plan. ACLAMO’s CEO and Executive Director participated in a call on April 29th, 2021 and discussed finding a solution to integrate the trail with members of the community and understand their needs.
(Video courtesy of Ursinus College)
(Video courtesy of Comcast Newsmakers)
(Video courtesy of Comcast Newsmakers)