In these busy days of October, I appreciate your taking time to read about ACLAMO’s programs and activities. We are finding this fall to be full of energy and progress and I hope your fall is the same!
Partnership is a key ingredient of success for any nonprofit organization. In this issue of the newsletter you will read about a few of the great partnerships enjoyed by ACLAMO.
Episcopal Academy is one of six educational institutions which partner with us. OLE, the organization of Latinos at PECO, is part of our partnership with corporations. ACLAMO also partners with other nonprofit organizations as illustrated by our work with Convoy of Hope. Individuals who partner with us by making financial and in-kind donations are essential. The article about Eduardo Nieto illustrates the talented and experienced volunteers who have joined ACLAMO as members of its board of directors. Finally, I hope readers of Spanish will enjoy “El Rinconcito para Nosotros”.
As you read, I hope you will consider carefully how you can strengthen your partnership with us. If you are already an active contributor, thank you very much. If you have not yet partnered with us in a significant way, I would ask you to contact me at [email protected] The individuals and families we serve need your partnership!
Nelly Jimenez-Arevalo
ACLAMO Executive Director & CEO

ACLAMO is grateful to the Morris Arboretum for giving these families the opportunity to learn and to experience the great outdoors.
ACLAMO’s program of educational support for kindergarten through eighth grade students is funded by the Montgomery County Workforce Investment Board and other donors. Over 100 children applied for this program, but space limitations only allowed 75 to be accepted. (Donations from our readers will allow ACLAMO to help more children!)
With the participation and supervision by ACLAMO teachers, trained volunteers from 6 area colleges and high schools help children with homework, computer skills, and reading. Tutors also become mentors as they come to know each child personally. It is heartening to watch tutors and students greet each other at the beginning of each day’s work.
Jose Aguirre, ACLAMO board member and president of OLE (Organization of Latinos at Exelon) spoke at PECO’s Center City offices at an OLE event to kickoff National Hispanic Heritage Month. This year’s theme at PECO is “One Culture, Many Roots” and special events are planned until October 14.
Attending the program were Angel Corella, Artistic Director of the Pennsylvania Ballet, Carlos Giralt-Cabrales, Consul of Mexico, and ACLAMO board member Eduardo Nieto. Among the festivities were dancers from the Pennsylvania Ballet performing the pas de deux from Act III of Don Quixote.
For over twenty years, Convoy of Hope has worked through churches, businesses, government agencies and other nonprofits to provide help and hope to those in need in the United States and around the world. In September, ACLAMO employees and board members were among the 600 volunteers who worked in support of a Convoy of Hope event in Norristown. 2,800 persons received a wide range of services including food supplies, medical evaluation, personal and employment counseling and even haircuts.
ACLAMO volunteers were especially active providing interpretation services and helping with the registration and guidance of visitors.
[h2title title=”DONATED BOOKS TO THE RESCUE!”]
Khamir’s mother had good news and bad news. Her son was beginning to really improve his reading, but she only had a few books at home for him to enjoy.
She stopped at ACLAMO to speak with teacher Linda, who was able to give her several books which had been donated. When Khamir finishes those, he can stop back, show Linda how his reading has improved, and then take home other books.
Problem solved, thanks to a kind donor of children’s books.
Certain types of donated items can work nicely with ACLAMO programs. If you are thinking of making an in-kind donation, be sure to write Executive Director Nelly Jimenes-Arevalo first. She can tell you if ACLAMO can use your items or if you should donate them elsewhere.
[h2title title=”A NIGHT IN ITALY”]
His Italian mother’s delicious lasagna came to mind when college tuition bills began to mount up for Eduardo Nieto. He hit upon the idea of offering “A Night in Italy” to Mexican friends and families needing a quick supper. Eduardo bought the ingredients, cooked and packaged the lasagna ready for reheating and serving. He included his mother’s recipe for Italian salad dressing and began marketing. The result was so successful that Eduardo not only was able to pay his college tuition, but had to halt the project to allow time to study.
Envisioning business opportunities, marshalling resources and marketing with creativity have been hallmarks of Eduardo Nieto’s life. Born and raised in Mexico, his career began in accounting in Mexico City, but quickly moved into marketing and sales with the Glaxo organization, where he was named Commercial Director for Mexico and then General Manager in Puerto Rico. GlaxoSmithKline next appointed Eduardo to the position of Vice-President for Marketing in Latin America. Wyeth Pharmaceuticals hired Eduardo away from GlaxoSmithKline and named him Group Vice President for Latin America, followed by a promotion to President for Latin America.
The excitement and risk of relying on his own creativity and independence have continued to call to Eduardo. In 2010 he decided to leave executive positions in large corporations and to organize and market his own businesses. He first founded Electio Consulting, providing advice and consulting services to pharma companies doing business in Latin America. In 2012, he added Progalenika, a company specializing in the pharmaceutical industry in Mexico.
ACLAMO Family Centers is pleased to have Eduardo Nieto on its board of directors. During his five years on the board, Eduardo has served in many rolls, including board president. Board members enjoy working with Eduardo as he applies his “Night in Italy” creativity and marketing skills to the challenges of serving Latino families in and around Montgomery County.
[h2title title=”Un rinconcito para nosotros”]
El mes de septiembre pasó muy rápido para todos nosotros en ACLAMO. Con el comienzo del programa después de la escuela en Norristown hemos estado muy ocupados atendiendo a los niños participantes del programa. Con dos salones de computadores equipados con la última tecnología y dos nuevos salones para los estudiantes de primer y segundo grado, ACLAMO está a la vanguardia en comparación con otros programas similares en la región. Nuestros programas de educación son ahora más competitivos y hemos contratado expertos en educación y en tecnología para medir el impacto que se está logrando con los estudiantes en cada uno de nuestros programas.
Para asegurarnos que tenemos constante apoyo de nuestros voluntarios hemos creado un círculo de socios para los niños de ACLAMO. Este grupo de voluntarios está compuesto por universidades y grupos educativos que con mucha dedicación vienen a ACLAMO cada semana para ayudarnos con nuestros programas. Todos nuestros voluntarios tienen su documentación exigida por la ley de protección del menor para poder ser voluntarios con los niños y han firmado un contrato de confidencialidad con nosotros. Cada uno de ellos también se ha adherido a la normativa del programa después de la escuela para tutores.
Por otro lado ACLAMO celebró en Pottstown nuestra feria de salud anual. Fue muy bien atendida y tuvimos la oportunidad de tener otras agencias presentes.
Finalmente los quiero animar para que nos sigan en Facebook. En nuestra página colocamos información cada semana relevante a ACLAMO y a nuestro condado. Como ven hemos estado ocupados, sin embargo sabemos que hay mucho que hacer.
ACLAMO está aquí para servirles, pero también necesitamos su apoyo. Si sabe de alguien que le gustaría donar dinero o su tiempo déjenos saber. Recuerden que ACLAMO es la agencia local de nuestra comunidad. Aquí estamos y aquí seguimos.
¡Gracias y los veo pronto!